Thursday, August 18, 2011

Planes, Trains, and Movies.

You see, I have this weird thing. I've kept a record of every stub I've ever received since I was a tween: every plane, train, and movie. Why?

I don't know.

But it's something I have a hard time letting go of. I realize it has the tendency towards hoarding. And yet, I still find myself yearning to keep every stub, as though its physical presence could somehow reunite reality and nostalgia.

I know it doesn't.

But I cherish them anyway. The same way I continue watching movies that thrilled me upon first viewing. These train, plane, and movie stubs act as triggers for inspiration, memory.

I know every time I look at my Titanic movie ticket, I will think of how my mom surprised me at the bus stop on opening day. She rolled down the window and said, "Hey. I heard you wanted to see Titanic." My Italian train stub will remind me of how I got a citation for putting my feet up on the seat across from me: "destruction of public property," they said. My plane ticket from this past Christmas will remind me of failed relationships and blizzards.

I'm not sure these memories actually happened the way my mind chooses to recall them, but the thoughts they refresh lend themselves so much to story, I can't help but to thank nostalgia.

And perhaps that's a reason to collect things. Meaningless things like seaglass or rocks or stamps. Because of the times they represent. Everyone chooses their collection, but we all have them.

Collections of things that we don't want to see scattered over a garbage dump.

And if that makes me a hoarder of meaningless objects, so be it. I'd rather have the memories.

Peace, love, and nostalgia,

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love this. I love this because it means somewhere in your collection, you still have our plane tickets to California, our train tickets to York, and the stub from the time we saw "Bad Santa."

I <3 you.